

Heart of the water, earth, fire, and wind.

Delfina Mun’s music and art carry the healing, transformation, and the great mystery of praying with the sacred plants of Mother Earth.

Since she was very young, she has dedicated her life to serving and studying master plants, traditional indigenous ceremonies, and visionary arts.

She travels throughout Abya Yala - Anahuak praying for the waters, preserving native culture and land, as an activist with deep love for the people of the earth.

The luminous heart pulses guided by the mysteries of the desert and the medicine of the blue deer as shimmering heartstrings resonate. 'Corazon Luminoso', invites listeners into a radiant dance of universal love and timeless joy.

Including four heartwarming songs and a vibrant Songbook with Lyrics, Guitar chords and unpublished artworks!


June. 11~18 @ Alto Paraiso, Brasil

Immerse yourself in a week-long plant medicine retreat held by the ancient knowledge of sacred lineages and the healing essence of plants. The synergy of ancestral culture fuels personal evolution and global consciousness through initiations into embodiment and ceremony. Music to nourish the soul and prayers for all our relations, surrounded by paradise waterfalls and crystal quartz soil.

>>More information here<<


Listen to Delfina’s MUSIC on Spotify




Download Pajaro Songbook

This beautiful little book includes lyrics, translations to English, personal stories, art, guitar chords and more, from my first music album Pájaro.

My gift to you.


Visionary Art

Delfina is a celebrated visionary artist, and has developed a unique style guided by her spiritual studies and plant allies.

You can check out her Original Paintings here.

If you are interested in working with Delfina, check her Art Commissions here.

For buying Art Prints visit the Shop.

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